PFS Winter Security Tips

Winter Security Tips

Following reports of several local break-ins this past week, we thought now would be a good time to repost our tips for keeping your premises secure over the winter period:

  • Make sure all doors and windows are closed and locked securely when you go out, as these are the main entry points for burglars. Remember to take keys out of the lock afterwards so there’s no way of anyone getting to them.
  • Avoid posting on social media about going away over Christmas. People can use this information to find out when your home will be unoccupied.
  • Never leave spare keys outside your home, even if you think they are well hidden. Always leave them with a trusted neighbour, relative or friend.
  • Draw your curtains early now the afternoons are getting darker – you never know who might be looking in to see what valuables you have.
  • Keep expensive items out of sight. Don’t leave wrapped Christmas gifts where they are visible to passers by, and make sure to not leave mobile phones, laptops etc near windows where they can be seen.
  • Consider using timers on your lights when you’re out. Lights turning on and off give the impression that someone is home.
  • Visible burglar alarms and good security lights are very useful for deterring would-be thieves. Dummy alarm systems may seem more economical, but experienced burglars will know the difference between a high-quality alarm system and a fake.
  • Make sure your alarm system is always set before you leave home, and don’t forget to ensure it is serviced annually (or twice annually if it’s a monitored alarm).
  • Prevent easy access to the back and sides of your property by installing locked gates and, if possible, high fencing or walls.
  • Sign up to your local Neighbourhood Watch. You can find your local scheme at the following link:

If you would like to discuss your home security in more detail, contact us today:

Tel: 01793 642 792