Neighbourhood Watch Survey

Neighbourhood Watch Crime & Community Survey

A survey, conducted by Neighbourhood Watch and SimpliSafe Home Security, has revealed the extent of the public’s concerns about their security.

The survey, which took place from October –  November 2023 and collected almost 29,000 responses across England and Wales, shows a majority of people believe crime levels in their area have either increased or remained stable. Only 2% of those polled believe crime has decreased in their area.

The results also show that a home burglary is the second most common crime people worry about, with criminal damage to their property coming in seventh.

Perhaps the most worrying statistic is that 37% of people have been a victim of, or witnessed, a crime in the previous 12 months. Regionally, this was highest in Greater London, the North East, and West Midlands; and lowest in the South West, East of England, and the South East.

Some other findings include:

  • 27% of those surveyed lacked a feeling of safety, with 4% of those feeling “very unsafe”
  • Antisocial behaviour, burglary, and cybercrime, are the three crimes people are most worried about
  • Over half of under 44’s said they had experienced a crime, compared to just over a quarter of over 65’s
  • 46% of those who had experienced a crime either didn’t report it to the police, or stopped before completing the report.
  • The most common reason for this was the feeling that nothing would be done

Thankfully there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of crime to you or your property. Visual deterrents such as intruder alarm bellboxes, CCTV cameras and security lighting can make your property less appealing to criminals. Good security practices such as locking windows and doors when you go out, or not leaving valuables on show, will also help reduce the likelihood of a break in.

Another worthwhile step is joining a community-based group such as Neighbourhood Watch. With a burglary taking place in the UK approximately every 106 seconds, prevention is a key focus. You can find out how to join, as well as the benefits membership provides, HERE

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your home or business security with one of our team of experts, or to book in a free, no-obligation survey at your property, get in touch with PFS via our contact form HERE

The full Crime and Community survey can be found HERE

Benefits Of Intruder Alarm Servicing

The Benefits Of Intruder Alarm Servicing

Contrary to popular belief, there is more to securing your home than simply having an intruder alarm system installed. Keeping your alarm system maintained with regular servicing is essential to ensure it is operating effectively and providing the necessary level of protection.

But how often should you have your intruder alarm serviced? For bells only alarms, annual servicing is recommended. However, monitored alarm systems should be serviced every six months. The servicing must be carried out by a qualified professional that is verified by a third party body, such as the National Security Inspectorate (NSI).

The importance of alarm servicing cannot be overstated. Intruder alarm systems comprise of many complex elements so these need to be checked and, if necessary, replaced or upgraded. Keeping a regular intruder alarm servicing schedule ensures everything is functioning correctly and will prevent faults from developing before it is too late.

In this article, we list some of the benefits of regularly servicing your alarm system:

Keep Your Property Protected

Intruder alarm systems are one of the best ways to deter break-ins at your home or business. However, even properties with intruder alarms suffer from criminals breaking and entering, so if your alarm fails to detect an intruder, or fails to sound, then its effectiveness is nullified. Regular servicing and maintenance will prevent the likelihood of this happening and keep your property protected.

Prevent Future Faults

Prevention is always better than the cure. During a service, professional engineers will inspect and test the components of your alarm system, identifying any potential issues and correcting them before they become a larger problem. Some new systems have the ability to do remote servicing, meaning only 1 visit per year by an engineer and 3 services conducted remotely – a more frequent checking of your alarm system.

Insurance Benefits

Some insurance providers specify that you must have an intruder alarm system protecting your property, especially if it’s a business. Some will even offer discounted premiums for customers with an alarm system installed. Regular alarm servicing can be a requirement of these policies. This is to ensure your system is working to the correct standard, avoiding any potential problems in the event of a claim.

Extend Your Alarm’s Effectiveness

By having your alarm system regularly maintained, you reduce the possibility of time-consuming and costly repairs. Keeping on top of minor issues with a servicing plan will extend the lifespan of your alarm, saving you the cost of a replacement system.

Provide Peace Of Mind

Knowing your intruder alarm has been serviced by a qualified engineer, you can enjoy peace of mind that your system is working effectively and your property is secured. And with a regular servicing plan, you will be reminded when your next service is due so you never have to worry about your system falling into disrepair.

Whether for your home or business, you can relax knowing that a regularly-serviced alarm system is securing your property and keeping you safe.

To discuss maintenance and servicing for your intruder alarm system, contact PFS and speak to one of our experts today. Our NSI Gold accreditation ensures that we work to the highest levels of service and competence.