Critical Upgrade Programme

Updated: Critical Upgrade Programme

BT is currently replacing its entire copper telephone network with fibre.

As many of our customers’ security systems rely on the existing network, BT’s programme of works will prevent the systems’ alarm signals from reaching the central station. PFS have therefore introduced a Critical Upgrade Programme that will facilitate the upgrade of our customers’ alarm signalling to either a wireless dual radio product or an IP solution.

Working in conjunction with CSL DualCom, a highly reputable UK signalling provider that provides a cost-effective GPRS and IP solution, PFS has formed a dedicated engineering and back-office team to help deliver the required communication unit before it is too late. With vast numbers of end users affected, and timely constraints imposed, PFS will do its best to fulfill the demand on time.

This critical upgrade will take place automatically on your next maintenance visit. Please inform your insurance company that your current system is being replaced. Should the replacement of the current communicator not be possible due to site-specific reasons, our engineer will discuss further options with you.

Update: BT has just announced they are putting back the date by which time all PSTN and ISDN lines will be shut off, by a year. It was previously stated that the lines would be shut down and all customers switched over by December 2025, but this has now postponed to 31st January 2027. 

Higher Level Of Security
All telephone lines are being closed down now as part of the UK’s All IP project that will see a complete shutdown by 2025. CSL’s dual radio products use 4G technology to overcome this threat, whilst monitoring your system 24/7 and the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) will be notified of any fault within 24 hours.

Save On Line Rental Charges
If you have a dedicated telephone line, solely in place for your current system, this can be cancelled after the upgrade has taken place.

Remote Servicing
Should your alarm panel be compatible, our engineer will make the necessary programming alterations to enable secure remote servicing. This will allow us to increase the frequency of your services. Typically, this will be quarterly – to include 3 remote services and 1 site service per annum.

Ajax Systems

PFS becomes authorised Ajax Systems partner

Our customers’ security is paramount, so it is important to utilise the very best products available to us in order to keep their homes or businesses protected.

Time after time, Ajax has impressed us with their cutting-edge security products and we are proud to now be recognised as an authorised Ajax Systems partner. This partnership allows us to offer you the most advanced and reliable security systems on the market.

To find out more about how we can safeguard your property with Ajax’s innovative security solutions, contact our team of experts today.

CCTV surveillance benefits

How can CCTV surveillance benefit your business?

In today’s business landscape, security is paramount. Whether you own a small shop, or you’re responsible for a large corporate office, protecting your assets, employees, and customers is essential. One of the most effective tools for achieving this is a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) surveillance system. In this article, we discuss how CCTV surveillance can benefit your business.

Deter Criminal Activity
Just the presence of CCTV cameras can act as a powerful deterrent against theft, vandalism, and other criminal activities. Potential intruders are less likely to target your premises when there is visible surveillance, knowing their actions are being monitored and recorded.

24/7 Monitoring
Unlike traditional security methods that rely on security guard patrols, CCTV surveillance can provide continuous monitoring, day or night. This ensures that any suspicious activity is promptly detected and addressed, minimising the risk of a security breach.

Remote Access and Monitoring
Most CCTV systems offer the convenience of remote access, allowing you to view your camera’s footage live from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether you’re at home, on holiday, or working away, you can keep an eye on your premises in real-time, providing peace of mind and ensuring a swift response to any incidents.

Evidence Collection
In the unfortunate event of a criminal incident, CCTV footage can provide invaluable evidence for investigations and legal proceedings. High-definition video recordings can help police identify criminals and aid their arrest and prosecution.

Employee Safety and Productivity
CCTV surveillance not only protects your business from external threats but also enhances the safety and productivity of your employees. Employees feel safer knowing that their workplace is under surveillance, and the knowledge that their actions are being monitored can discourage misconduct and encourage positive behaviour.

Insurance Benefits
Some insurance providers offer discounts for businesses that utilise CCTV systems. By investing in robust security measures, you demonstrate your commitment to risk mitigation, which can lead to lower insurance premiums and potential savings in the long run.

Customisable Solutions
CCTV systems can be tailored to meet the specific needs and requirements of your business. Whether you need indoor cameras for monitoring sensitive areas, or outdoor cameras for site security, there are a variety of options available to suit your preferences.

In conclusion, CCTV surveillance is a vital element of any business’s security strategy. By investing in a comprehensive CCTV system, you can safeguard your business, assets, and reputation, providing peace of mind for you and your employees.

PFS are NSI Gold-accredited for the design, installation and maintenance of CCTV surveillance systems. One of our experienced surveyors will visit your property to complete a free-of-charge, no-obligation survey. They will discuss your individual requirements, ensuring your system is designed around protecting what matters to you, and advise you on the best solution for your property.

Neighbourhood Watch Survey

Neighbourhood Watch Crime & Community Survey

A survey, conducted by Neighbourhood Watch and SimpliSafe Home Security, has revealed the extent of the public’s concerns about their security.

The survey, which took place from October –  November 2023 and collected almost 29,000 responses across England and Wales, shows a majority of people believe crime levels in their area have either increased or remained stable. Only 2% of those polled believe crime has decreased in their area.

The results also show that a home burglary is the second most common crime people worry about, with criminal damage to their property coming in seventh.

Perhaps the most worrying statistic is that 37% of people have been a victim of, or witnessed, a crime in the previous 12 months. Regionally, this was highest in Greater London, the North East, and West Midlands; and lowest in the South West, East of England, and the South East.

Some other findings include:

  • 27% of those surveyed lacked a feeling of safety, with 4% of those feeling “very unsafe”
  • Antisocial behaviour, burglary, and cybercrime, are the three crimes people are most worried about
  • Over half of under 44’s said they had experienced a crime, compared to just over a quarter of over 65’s
  • 46% of those who had experienced a crime either didn’t report it to the police, or stopped before completing the report.
  • The most common reason for this was the feeling that nothing would be done

Thankfully there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of crime to you or your property. Visual deterrents such as intruder alarm bellboxes, CCTV cameras and security lighting can make your property less appealing to criminals. Good security practices such as locking windows and doors when you go out, or not leaving valuables on show, will also help reduce the likelihood of a break in.

Another worthwhile step is joining a community-based group such as Neighbourhood Watch. With a burglary taking place in the UK approximately every 106 seconds, prevention is a key focus. You can find out how to join, as well as the benefits membership provides, HERE

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your home or business security with one of our team of experts, or to book in a free, no-obligation survey at your property, get in touch with PFS via our contact form HERE

The full Crime and Community survey can be found HERE

Keep Your Home Safe This Winter

Keep Your Home Safe This Winter

As the dark evenings draw in it’s more important than ever to ensure your home is safe and secure from intruders looking to take advantage of unoccupied properties. Follow our top tips to help protect your home this winter:

  • Always set your alarm system when leaving home, and make sure to keep it serviced (annually, or twice-annually for monitored systems)
  • Close curtains as soon as it gets dark to conceal valuables inside
  • Invest in security lighting to deter burglars
  • Never leave spare keys outside or hidden nearby. Instead, give them to a trusted neighbour, friend or relative
  • Double check all doors and windows are locked before leaving the house. Don’t leave keys in the locks where they could be fished out
  • Avoid posting holiday plans on social media. Opportunistic thieves use this info to target empty homes
  • Install locked gates and high fences/walls to restrict access to the back and sides of your property
  • Use timer switches on your lights to make it look like someone’s home even when the house is empty
  • Keep Christmas presents and other high-value items out of sight of windows to avoid tempting thieves

Following basic security best practices will help minimise the risk of a break-in this winter. To discuss your home security in further detail, contact PFS today.

Rural Crime

Rural Crime

Despite a decrease in recent years, rural crime was once again on the rise last year.

Farm vehicles and machinery, fuel, and even livestock, are all targets for thieves – crimes that cost tens of millions every year.

PFS Security Systems Ltd can help protect your property. From our CCTV and intruder alarm systems, to our access control and gate automation solutions, we can help protect Wiltshire this winter.

Tel: 01793 642 792

PFS Winter Security Tips

Winter Security Tips

Following reports of several local break-ins this past week, we thought now would be a good time to repost our tips for keeping your premises secure over the winter period:

  • Make sure all doors and windows are closed and locked securely when you go out, as these are the main entry points for burglars. Remember to take keys out of the lock afterwards so there’s no way of anyone getting to them.
  • Avoid posting on social media about going away over Christmas. People can use this information to find out when your home will be unoccupied.
  • Never leave spare keys outside your home, even if you think they are well hidden. Always leave them with a trusted neighbour, relative or friend.
  • Draw your curtains early now the afternoons are getting darker – you never know who might be looking in to see what valuables you have.
  • Keep expensive items out of sight. Don’t leave wrapped Christmas gifts where they are visible to passers by, and make sure to not leave mobile phones, laptops etc near windows where they can be seen.
  • Consider using timers on your lights when you’re out. Lights turning on and off give the impression that someone is home.
  • Visible burglar alarms and good security lights are very useful for deterring would-be thieves. Dummy alarm systems may seem more economical, but experienced burglars will know the difference between a high-quality alarm system and a fake.
  • Make sure your alarm system is always set before you leave home, and don’t forget to ensure it is serviced annually (or twice annually if it’s a monitored alarm).
  • Prevent easy access to the back and sides of your property by installing locked gates and, if possible, high fencing or walls.
  • Sign up to your local Neighbourhood Watch. You can find your local scheme at the following link:

If you would like to discuss your home security in more detail, contact us today:

Tel: 01793 642 792

Door Entry Systems

Improving The Security Of Your Building

For the past few years, the U.K. has enjoyed a steady decline in the crime rate. However, this has evidently come to an end, with the Office for National Statistics recently releasing data that shows the biggest jump in crime in a decade. “The latest figures show the largest annual rise in crimes recorded by the police in a decade,” commented John Flatley, crime statistician and analyst at the Office for National Statistics. “While ongoing improvements to recording practices are driving this volume rise, we believe actual increases in crime are also a factor in a number of categories.” These statistics suggest it has never been more important for you to ensure your home or office is safe and secure from intruders. Here are a few simple things you can do to improve the security of your building:

Install a Surveillance System

CCTV technology has dropped in price significantly over the years to the point where it’s affordable for just about every consumer and business. Here at PFS Security Systems Ltd, we’re proud to offer an extensive range of simple to use CCTV systems that provide you with unparalleled oversight of your property.

Store Expensive Items Out of Sight

High-ticket items in line of sight of a vulnerable window are very tempting to opportunist burglars. If you live on the ground floor or in an area with a lot of foot traffic, you can improve the security of your building by storing expensive items such as jewellery, artwork and portable electronics out of sight.

Install an Intruder Alarm

Few things are as effective at deterring would-be thieves as a professional intruder alarm. We’re able to install a variety of intruder alarms and detection units that include 24 hour monitoring and police response services throughout many parts of England. We’ll work with you to design and implement a security system that works best for your property.

Join or Form a Neighbourhood Watch Group

Cutting edge security technology can play an important role in improving the security of your building, but don’t forget about the power of community. An active Neighbourhood Watch group can be a very effective way of increasing security, bringing the community together and reducing crime in your local area.

Increase Outdoor Lighting

It should go without saying that criminals like to stick to the shadows where they can’t be seen. Flush them out of the darkness with some bright outdoor lighting positioned in such a way that it shines on your property’s most vulnerable areas. Here at PFS Security Systems Ltd, we’ve been in the business of securing homes and offices since 1989. With a focus on personable customer service and industry-leading alarm and surveillance systems, we’re the number one choice of security system providers in the Swindon and Oxford areas. Give us a call today and have a chat with one of our specialists about how we can improve the security of your building.

Security Companies Wiltshire

Three Effective Ways to Improve Your Business’s Security

Here at PFS Security Systems we offer a number of solutions that will help you keep your business secure. Crime is on the rise in many parts of the UK, and it is often business premises that are the target if burglaries and vandalism. If there are weaknesses in your security, it may only be a matter of time before the criminals take advantage of this. Here are just three options that you might like to consider for improving the security of your property: 

Access Control Solutions 

One of the keys to keeping your business safe is to closely control the people who have access to your property. There are a number of viable options for how you can do this. If you always have somebody at the front desk, a good option might be to install a door entry intercom system. On the other hand, if you have people coming at all times of the day or night, a much better option could be to use smart card technology. PFS Security Systems can provide many different access control solutions, and we will be happy to help you find the option that will work best for you. 


A CCTV solution can mean that you will have every sensitive part of your premises monitored. It is even possible to create 360 degree coverage. Just having CCTV in place will be enough to deter most criminals. Us here at PFS Security Systems can not only install CCTV for you, but we can also arrange for remote viewing so that you can keep an eye on your property no matter where you are in the world. CCTV can work particularly well when it is combined with other security measures. We will be able provide something suitable for both manned and unmanned sites.

Intruder Alarms

There are many different types of intruder alarm, and there will be something to suit the needs of every kind of business. There are also a range of alarms to suit different budgets. The most important factor with any intruder alarm is that it is reliable, and we only ever deal with quality products. We will also be able to provide twenty-four hour monitoring to ensure that if the intruder alarm is triggered, it will be dealt with. Our team is committed to providing you with the alarm system that will best suit your needs, and the needs of your business. PFS Security Solutions is ready to help you make your property more secure. Contact us right now to find out about the security options that will work best for your business premises.